Friday, November 1, 2019

Romans 6:1-2

Romans 6:1-2
Alive to Christ!

Rom 6:1  What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Rom 6:2  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

1.      What Shall We Say Then? Shall We Continue in Sin, That Grace May Abound? – vs. 1*
a.       The gospel that Paul is preaching is so incredulous that it forces the legalist to object and ask the question: is this simply a license to sin? In the previous chapter Paul makes it clear that it is impossible for the children of God to out sin His grace. Does this mean that God is simply winking at sin and does not expect us to live a changed life? Paul begins an extended dialogue in chapters 6-7 on how a believer can overcome sin.
                                                              i.      Romans 5:20 
                                                            ii.      Is salvation by faith alone an attempt to do away with the law?
1.      Romans 3:31
                                                          iii.      Should each and every one of us make up our own measure of what loving others means?
1.      Galatians 5:13-14 
                                                          iv.      Can some one pretend to be serving God while treating his brother with disrespect?
1.      1 Peter 2:16 
                                                            v.      Can some one claim to be preaching the gospel while allowing disgusting immorality?
1.      2 Peter 2:18-19 
                                                          vi.      Is it possible to turn the grace of God into a life full of sin?
1.      Jude 1:3-4 

                                                        vii.      The legalist should ask themselves this question
1.      Romans 2:4 
2.      God Forbid! How Shall We, that are Dead to Sin, Live Any Longer Therein? – vs. 2*
a.       You died to sin how can you continue to live in that way of life? Come alive to Christ!
                                                              i.      Stop listening to your ways to overcome sin. Chances are they only make you love it more.
1.      Psalm 119:104  
                                                            ii.      Be born again!
1.      1 John 3:9-10 
                                                          iii.      Receive the joy that comes in knowing you are saved by the work of Christ.
1.      Romans 5:11 
                                                          iv.      Be married to Christ.
1.      Romans 7:4 
                                                            v.      Glory in the cross.
1.      Galatians 6:14 
                                                          vi.      Set your affections on things above!
1.      Colossians 3:1-10 

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