Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ephesians 4:20


Ephesians 4:20

Are You a Follower of Jesus?


Eph 4:20  But ye have not so learned Christ; 


           1.     What Does Paul Mean When He Says We Are to Learn Christ?

a.     The Greek word for Learned is μανθάνω which is very similar to the Greek word for Disciple μαθητής. To learn Christ is to be His disciple

b.     A disciple of Jesus must Repent

                                               i.     Matthew 4:17 

c.     A disciple of Jesus must Be Born Again

                                               i.     John 3:3 

d.     A disciple of Jesus must be an active Follower of Him

                                               i.     Matthew 4:19 

e.     A disciple of Jesus must Rejoice

                                               i.     Matthew 5:10-12 

f.      A disciple of Jesus must Let Their Light Shine

                                               i.     Matthew 5:14-16 

g.     A disciple of Jesus must Honor God’s Law

                                               i.     Matthew 5:17-19 

h.     A disciple of Jesus must Be Reconciled

                                               i.     Matthew 5:23-24 

i.      A disciple of Jesus must Not Lust

                                               i.     Matthew 5:27-30 

j.      A disciple of Jesus must Keep Their Word

                                               i.     Matthew 5:33-37 

k.     A disciple of Jesus must Go the Second Mile

                                               i.     Matthew 5:38-42 

l.      A disciple of Jesus must Love Their Enemies

                                               i.     Matthew 5:43-45 

m.   A disciple of Jesus must Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

                                               i.     Matthew 6:19-21 

n.     A disciple of Jesus must Seek God’s Kingdom First

                                               i.     Matthew 6:24 

                                             ii.     Matthew 6:33 

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