Thursday, August 1, 2024

Ephesians 4:25


Ephesians 4:25

Stop Lying!

Eph 4:25  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. 

           1.     Stop Lying!

a.     Lying comes from Satan

                                               i.     John 8:44 

b.     Lying is at the heart of the first sin

                                               i.     2 Corinthians 11:2-3 

c.     Lying is an offence that can send you to hell

                                               i.     Revelation 21:8 

d.     Lying is the nature of false believers

                                               i.     1 John 2:4 

e.     Lying is going to be at the heart of the Antichrist’s rebellion someday

                                               i.     2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 

            2.     Start Speaking Only the Truth

a.     God’s Nature is Truth

                                               i.     Titus 1:2 

                                             ii.     Jesus is Truth

1.     John 14:6 

                                           iii.     The Holy Spirit is Truth

1.     John 14:17 

                                            iv.     God’s Word is Truth

1.     John 17:17 

b.     God’s Truthfulness brings us great comfort

                                               i.     Hebrews 6:18 

c.     God’s desire is that we are filled with the Truth

                                               i.     Psalm 51:6 

d.     God’s desire is that we interact with others in the Truth

                                               i.     Zechariah 8:16 

            3.     Lying Hurts Our Community

a.     Story of Annias and Sapphira

                                               i.     Acts 5:1-3 

b.     When we lie, we not only hurt ourselves but damage the Community of God

                                               i.     Romans 14:7-12

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