Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ephesians 5:14


Ephesians 5:14

Wake Up Sleepy Head!


Eph 5:14  Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.  

             1.     Paul Sites a Quotation

a.     This is an authoritative text

                                               i.     It could be a hymn

                                             ii.     It could be an adaptation of several OT passages

1.     The book of Isaiah is filled with warnings to a people that are hardened to the gospel

a.     Isaiah 9:2 

b.     Isaiah 26:19 

c.     Isaiah 51:17 

d.     Isaiah 52:1 

e.     Isaiah 60:1-3 

                                           iii.     It could be both, but either way it is the truth

1.     2 Corinthians 4:6 

            2.     Wake Up You Sleeper

a.     Remember your days are numbered

                                               i.     Romans 13:11-12 

b.     Remember not to sin

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 15:34 

c.     Remember to be vigilant

                                               i.     1 Thessalonians 5:5-6 

           3.     Arise From the Dead

a.     Those that are without Christ are dead

                                               i.     Ephesians 2:1-3 

b.     Our situation is hopeless

                                               i.     Ezekiel 37:1-14 

           4.     Christ is the Giver of Light

a.     Hope is found in Christ alone! He is like the rising Sun, enlightening our darkness

                                               i.     John 1:4 

                                             ii.     John 8:12 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Ephesians 5:11-13


Ephesians 5:11-13

The Works of Light Illuminate


Eph 5:11  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. 

Eph 5:12  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 

Eph 5:13  But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 

          1.     Do Not Fellowship with the Works of Darkness – vs. 11a*

a.     What are the works of Darkness?

                                               i.     Ephesians 5:3-5 

b.     How do I live in a world filled with the works of darkness?

                                               i.     Psalm 1:1 

c.     Does this mean I should begin a life of Monasticism?

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 5:10-11 

                                             ii.     2 Thessalonians 3:14-15 

           2.     Rather Expose the Works of Darkness – vs. 11b*

a.     By trusting the Lord to open the eyes of the blind

                                               i.     2 Corinthians 4:3-6 

b.     By knowing the fruit of darkness

                                               i.     Romans 6:20-21 

c.     By knowing the gospel

                                               i.     John 3:16-21 

           3.     For the Works of Darkness are Shameful – vs. 12*

a.     Love does not meditate of the sins of others

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 13:5-6 

b.     Love knows that darkness does not conquer

                                               i.     Philippians 3:18-19 

          4.     Unlike the Works of Darkness, the Works of Light Illuminate – vs 13*

a.     Light is a proclamation of the truth - 2 Timothy 4:2 

b.     Light speaks with authority - Titus 2:15 

c.     Light is a guide - Psalm 119:105 

d.     Light gives understanding to the ignorant - Psalm 119:130 

e.     Light teaches how to live our lives - Proverbs 6:23 

Missionary Care Team ~ District Representatives

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Ephesians 5:10


Ephesians 5:10

Living to Please the Lord


Eph 5:10  Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. 

         1.     What Kind of Behavior Does God not Like?

a.      Minds that are darkened - Ephesians 4:18 

b.     Emotions that no longer feel - Ephesians 4:19 

c.      Wills that are broken - Ephesians 4:22 

         2.     What Kind of Behavior Does God Like?

a.      God loves goodness

                                               i.     Because He is good - Romans 2:4 

                                             ii.     Because He wants good for all - Luke 2:14 

                                            iii.     Because He does good to all - Matthew 5:45 

                                            iv.     Because He wants you to give His goodness to all

1.     Matthew 5:13-16 

b.     God loves righteousness

                                               i.     God is going to judge all unrighteousness - Romans 1:18 

                                             ii.     His law is the standard of righteousness - Matthew 5:17-19 

c.      God loves truth

                                               i.     Truth is the opposite of deception - Ephesians 5:6 

                                             ii.     Lies produce shame - Ephesians 5:12 

                                            iii.     Truth is the opposite of hypocrisy - 1 Peter 2:1 

         3.     What is the Difference Between a Good Pagan and a Christian

a.      The pagan may love goodness, righteousness and truth, but it is only the believer that desires to do what God wants

                                               i.     Romans 12:1-2 

b.     The believer is indifferent to the standards of others

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 4:3-4 

c.      The believer knows there is always a chance for redemption

                                               i.     1 John 1:9-2:1

d.     The believer knows that there is a higher purpose to all his actions

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 10:23 

e.      The believer strives ultimately for the glory of God

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 10:31 

f.      The believer’s ultimate purpose is not merely to please oneself

                                               i.     1 Corinthians 10:33 

g.     The believer longs to serve his true Master

                                               i.     Romans 6:11-13 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Daniel 2:44


Daniel 2:44

The Kingdom of Heaven

Dan 2:44  And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. 

              1.     Context of a Kingdom

a.      Nebuchadnezzar is the source of this prophecy of the birth of Jesus

                                               i.     He was a Pagan

                                             ii.     He was a powerful tyrant

                                            iii.     He had a dream which his counselors could not interpret. Only Daniel could interpret the dream

1.     Daniel 2:37-43 

                                            iv.     The first kingdom is Nebuchadnezzars, the second is the Medo-Persian empire, the third is the Greek Empire and the fourth is the Roman Empire during which we have the birth of a New King!

                                              v.     As invincible that Nebuchadnezzar seems to be, he endures a series of humiliations until his final repentance

1.     The fiery furnace – Dan 3

2.     Made to live like an ox Dan 4

3.     Until his final confession

a.      Daniel 4:34 

               2.     Source of the New Kingdom

a.      At the time of Roman rule

                                               i.     Luke 2:1 

b.     At the perfect time

                                               i.     Galatians 4:4-5 

               3.     Strength of the New Kingdom

a.      This is a kingdom entirely independent of all the previous kingdoms

                                               i.     Matthew 4:16-17 

              4.     Invincibility of the New Kingdom

a.      The invincibility of this Kingdom comes from its humility, it does not rely on the might or intelligence of man

                                               i.     Daniel 2:34-35 

                                             ii.     1 Peter 2:6-9 

             5.     Victory of the New Kingdom

a.      1 Corinthians 15:22-26 

             6.     Eternality of the New Kingdom

a.      Jesus gives us the examples of two kinds of people that will reject His Kingdom

                                               i.     The Self-Righteous

1.     Matthew 6:1-4 

                                             ii.     And the Self Absorbed

1.     Matthew 6:19-21 

                                            iii.     The saved embrace the Grace of God

1.     Hebrews 12:28-29

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Luke 4:18


Luke 4:18

A Mission to Save the World


Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 


             1.     Why Did Jesus Come to the World?

a.     The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

                                               i.     Matthew 3:16-17 

             2.     To Preach the Gospel to the Poor

a.     Jesus is not come merely to help the financially poor. He came to help the spiritually destitute.

                                               i.     To fully appreciate the Christmas season, you must know your need for a Savior

1.     Luke 5:30-32 

             3.     To Heal the Brokenhearted

a.     We are brokenhearted because of the devastation that is caused by our sin

                                               i.     Isaiah 61:1-4 

1.     There are three illustrations here:

a.     An old rotting tree

b.     A desert wasteland

c.     An abandoned, decaying city

            4.     To Preach Deliverance to the Captives

a.     Continued failure in sin can bring us to the prison of despair, it is for those kinds of people that Jesus came

                                               i.     Psalm 51:14-17; Isaiah 57:14-15; Romans 7:14-16; Romans 7:24; Philippians 1:21 

           5.     To Recover the Sight of the Blind

a.     Luke 19:1-10 

           6.     To Set Free Those that are Crushed

a.     Jesus does not come to this world to condemn

                                               i.     Isaiah 42:3; Luke 7:36-42; John 8:3-11; Matthew 11:28-30