Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yeah We Are Famous :)

We are on the home page of BMW. Not exactly famous but interesting after all. Enjoy.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sermon on John 1:38-51

Here are some thoughts of mine as I am preparing for a sermon on John 1:38-51.

There are various levels of faith here as well as response, but each of these men God used mightly.

Andrew – Was a disciple of John and then when he heard John say Behold the Lamb of God he stayed with Jesus. Andrew was out looking and seeking and not only that he was in the right places. He was there with John as John points out Jesus. Andrew like Phillip is ready to go and serve Jesus and again like Phillip is has the faith to bring along a friend.

Peter – was not there with Andrew follow John the Baptist, but for some reason decides to come with Andrew when he called him. What was Peter doing when Andrew came to him with the good news? Was he seeking? Maybe he was but unlike Andrew he was not in the right place to find Christ. Yet he becomes one of the greatest Disciples of Christ. Peter is an all or nothing guy. I think it is likely before his calling by Christ he may not have been the type of person that you saw very much around the synagogue. He probably wasn’t the most religious person before Christ got a hold of his life. Yet when he jumps in he wants every little bit of what is going on. That is why we see him later asking Jesus to wash his whole body and not just his feet. He may be misguided at times but he wants to be wholly involved.

Phillip - is living in the same town can doubtless has heard first and second hand accounts. Jesus calls him individually, but it is simply “Follow me”. Phillip in my opinion has the least introduction he seems as always sensitive to the Lord. He jumps right in not only bringing himself but a friend as well. We see him later on in the book of Acts the first disciple to follow God’s command to reach out to the disciples.

Nathaniel – is some what skeptical and Jesus gives him a sign of who he is. He is probably the most reserved and he is the only one that Jesus gives a miraculous sign to. Even still we cannot be too harsh on Nathaniel because how many of us would commit our lives to a man with only the information he had.

Everyone’s calls are varied. Each of us Jesus touches in his own way, but he is only going to reward those that give Him their lives. Some of these men were better prepared than others for what Jesus was going to do through them but they all would become unstoppable forces for good. Although maybe hesitant at first to give in they would lay their lives on the line for Christ the Messiah.