Lately I have been reading the book "The Trellis and the Vine" by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne. It really is a great book. It encourages pastors to stop trying to do everything on their own and train believers in their church to a maturity point that they can as well begin participating in the work themselves. This is some that is very biblical in which the Bible says that we are all called to be followers of Christ and do His bidding. That means that we need to take part in advancing Christ's Kingdom on earth. This really is not something that I see many pastor's doing in the modern church and something that needs to continue to be written about and explored and I thank God for men like Marshall who are willing to talk about these things.
But now that I have praised the book I do want to vent a little. Now before I start please do not get me wrong; I have nothing against colleges or institutions. They have done the best job they can in doing the job that should be the church's. In the book I aforementioned Marshall goes so far as to suggest pastoral apprenticeship but only as another two years before Bible College and Seminary. How come we in the evangelical world dare not whisper against the 'sacred' institutions?
Where in the Bible does it say thou shalt attend Seminary if you dare to hope to pastor? Maybe part of the reason is because in our minds we have somehow developed the thought that apprenticeship equals get off 'scott' free. I am not suggesting that in anyways. Part of my apprenticeship was taking correspondence courses from Moody Bible Institute. I am not saying throw out the theological training that is vital for someone that hopes to go into the ministry. Yes we must have theological training, but the unfortunate thing is that colleges and Seminaries skip the other thing that is vital for the success of those going into full time work - hands on experience. Churches and pastors should always have a futuristic mindset in the training of tomorrow's leaders. Don't make them narrow minded by teaching them only your material. Expose them to all of the theologian conversation out there, as maturity permits. Let them take classes from a college or Seminary by correspondence and then apply that into practical everyday experience.
Anyways all that to say that we should be training others to continue the work. While it is fun to do the work ourselves it is also just as important to make sure that the building of Christ's Kingdom is continued long after our influence is gone. After all we are not building OUR kingdom but CHRIST'S Kingdom