This gentleman understands the real issue. It is not about guns it is about the fact that our nation has turned its back against God. There is no way any of us could say this better.
Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.
They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion of the transcript:
"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good &evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.
"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact.
What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws.
Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.
"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him.
To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!
My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"
- Darrell Scott
Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this man's speech. Please share this with your FB friends!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Gun Control
I am sure there are some in my audience that are just sick and tired of the whole gun debate that is going on. Maybe you are wondering what is the importance of all this discussion. What is the point that we argue so relentlessly for a few features on our guns? Certainly if that was all there was to this you would not hear too much from me. After all there are much more important issues facing our nation such as the destruction of the unborn and the rejection of godliness that is becoming so universal. But it is exactly all those things that we need to make an argument on this seemingly small issue. As our government becomes more and more anti- God and sees less and less the value of human rights. As they continue target the helpless and exploit those that cannot speak for themselves I think it is imperative that we speak out on all these issues. In the words of Edmund Burke: "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing". It is our duty as Christian men to protect our families and those that cannot defend themselves. What are you going to do when the some come to collect your children for reeducation or want to euthanize your parents because they are a burden on the health system? Evil is always progressing and your children will ask you what you did to defend their rights back when we could. Below are some thoughts from a respected friend to another friend on our current gun debate.
"Dear Concerned Friend,
"Dear Concerned Friend,
"Thank you for expressing your views. I think its important that we talk through and have firm opinions on this subject, I think its an important one. I do have to respectfully disagree [with your thoughts].
"As far as the NRA being militant, I have not personally heard of anything that concerns me. I am a member and supporter of the NRA. If you have some things that bother you I would like to hear them. I am sure they are not a prefect organization but they have been the only thing standing in the gap here in CA. There was a recent law introduced that would effectively eliminate recreational shooting. It that passed ammunition would only be legal if bought within the state and serialized which would have raised ammo prices to astronomical levels.
"There has been many many lies over the years about what the second amendment actually means I could go into a lot of detail on this but some research into what the founders actually intended will help much with that.
"But I will say that the first part of the amendment is the key. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state..." The debate is not about whether or not we should have guns for recreation. The intent of the second amendment is to arm every single citizen in this great country with the most deadly small arm available at that time. Thus making America the most feared and powerful nation in the world. We defeated the most powerful military machine simply because the everyday citizen had a weapon. Our government was not capable of issuing nearly enough weapons to form an army. So I think the founders realized that we owe our freedom from a tyrannical Great Britain because of those muskets hanging on the wall and the bravery of the men who stood in the gap. It is the same today, freedom is still on the line as it was then.
"I think we need to remember what stopped the shooting in that elementary school. It was the sight of two men carrying weapons. The murderer saw two police officers and went and killed himself. We need more good men with weapons, not less.
"I would enjoy more discussion on this topic. As you can probably tell its something I care about.
God bless."
Thursday, January 17, 2013
William Wilberforce
Christian Man of Action
Wilberforce was born into a wealthy family of privilege. If there was anyone
that could have sat back to soak it all in it was him. Also he was one of
continual bad health and he could have easily used that as an excuse to evade
his Christian duty. Although having every earthly privilege to enjoy,
Wilberforce chose not to keep it all for himself, but to lay down his life in
the cause of the weak and defenseless.
Wilberforce came into politics at an early age, and at first did much to simply
serve himself. His family had done everything they could to keep him from the
true Christian movement at the time which was the Methodists. They strongly
felt that true born again Christianity would ruin this rising political star.
In spite of all his family’s efforts Wilberforce came in contact with Isaac
Milner. Wilberforce had lots of questions for Isaac Milner who was an
evangelical Christian. Milner became Wilberforce’s traveling companion and they
had many discussions as they traveled across the continent. Wilberforce was
impressed and slowly began to see that he as lacking something in his faith.
There was
not any instant change for Wilberforce but as he learned more and accepted more
for himself personally, the changes became evident. Later he wrote “Expect to
hear myself now universally given out to be a Methodist, may God grant that it
may be said with truth.” After committing his life to Christ there was no
turning back. Wilberforce wanted to go whole heartedly into the ministry. He
even wanted to give up politics completely and be a minister, but God had other
plans. He was convinced by a childhood mentor John Newton to stay in politics
and fight for the cause of the oppressed. That he did. Around that time he
wrote in his journal: “God Almighty
has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the slave trade and the
reformation of manners.” The reformation of manners was referring to the
reforming of society and its evils at that time.
The work for Wilberforce on abolishing
the slave trade took the majority of his life. He never saw the complete emancipation
of all slaves, even though he did a majority of the work for that to happen. He
did see the end of the slave trade which stopped the exportation of thousands
into slavery. Even though abolishing the slave trade was a great achievement that
require much of him, it was in truth one of the many accomplishments of William Wilberforce. He fought the East
India Company to open the door for missionaries to go to India . As well as seeing to the end of such
cruel traditions such as Suttee (the burning of a widow with her deceased
husband) and female infanticide. He also did much to improve the conditions of
the poor in England , who were suffering greatly at that time.
It did not matter whether one was
black or white, male or female, young or old if you were downtrodden Wilberforce
was there to fight for you. Wilberforce was not just a Christian in name only,
but he was a Christian man of action. He truly believed and lived the words of Christ
when he said in Matthew 10:8: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Wilberforce was a man of God and the champion
of the lost causes of this world. He truly walked in the steps of his Savior
who said of his ministry, “The Spirit of
the Lord is upon me, because he
hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight
to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable
year of the Lord.”
These are some of the thoughts I
had after reading the tremendous book “Amazing Grace” by Eric Metaxas. I heartily
recommend this book as a great read and study into the amazing life of
William Wilberforce. Eric Metaxas does a phenomenal job in his representation of
Wilberforce’s life and times.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
My Letter to the President
The following I sent to the President in light of recent events in our country.
Dear Mr. President,
I am sorry to say that I have been
some what disappointed, to say the least, as to the direction that this nation
is heading and wanton lack of responsibility of our nation’s leaders on both
sides of the isle. Their response to this nation’s debt crisis is certainly
deplorable. I would be in jail if I managed my personal finances like the
government has our nation’s finances.
Unfortunately that is not my
greatest concern. My greatest concern is the loss of this nation’s love for
life and the lack of protection for the sanctity of it. It is a tragedy how we
have continued to slaughter the next generation in the form of aborting our
unborn children. If the White House truly did love life they would be willing
to protect all Americans from conception to the point of death. I want to see
the abolition of human abortion and the end of this massacre of the innocent.
How do we know that we have not killed the people that could be helping us make
a difference with this nation’s greatest problems by aborting them? Just as
there was judgment for those who did not protect the lives of the Jews in Nazi
Germany when they had the opportunity there will be the same for those who turn
their backs on the unborn Americans of the future. It is your duty to punish
the evil and reward the good. Do not be one of those who refuse to hear the
silent cry of the murdered innocent.
Furthermore the second amendment is
the average citizen’s right to protect himself from whatever may threaten him
or those he loves. When you take that away you only take it away from the law-abiding.
Criminals and tyrants will always have the guns they need to kill and oppress. Please
enforce the laws we already have on this subject not make new ones that will
only punish the good. Why won’t you trust us enough to be able to have what we
need to maintain our freedom and protect that which we hold dear to us?
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