Next week we will be leaving for a week long orientation with Village Missions. It has been a shift in our mission purpose that is for sure. As many of you know we have been preparing to go to Ireland for some time now and now we are signing up for a mission agency that supplies full time pastors to churches in rural America. You might be wondering why the change. Well there is a lot of reasons but of course the first one is the Lord impressing on us His direction to pursue this at this time. After praying about this seriously with our church family at Warner Ave Baptist Church we really feel like the Lord is leading us in this direction at least for now. Naturally we are committing to this indefinitely and we see ourselves committing our lives to this work as the Lord leads. Of course this change does not mean that we no longer have a heart for Ireland or that the need there is some how diminished because we are not going there. Quite the opposite the need is still great there and we pray earnestly for a our friends who are serving there on the front lines. Please let me know if you would like further information about people that are serving there or if you would like to know about those that could use your financial support.
As for us now we will be moving towards servng with Village Missions. Please pray that all will go well as we attended orientation next week. Help us to have a servant's heart and a willingness to learn. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support as we have been going through this transition. Pray for us as we continue to seek the Lord for His continued direction.