"Dear Concerned Friend,
"Thank you for expressing your views. I think its important that we talk through and have firm opinions on this subject, I think its an important one. I do have to respectfully disagree [with your thoughts].
"As far as the NRA being militant, I have not personally heard of anything that concerns me. I am a member and supporter of the NRA. If you have some things that bother you I would like to hear them. I am sure they are not a prefect organization but they have been the only thing standing in the gap here in CA. There was a recent law introduced that would effectively eliminate recreational shooting. It that passed ammunition would only be legal if bought within the state and serialized which would have raised ammo prices to astronomical levels.
"There has been many many lies over the years about what the second amendment actually means I could go into a lot of detail on this but some research into what the founders actually intended will help much with that.
"But I will say that the first part of the amendment is the key. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state..." The debate is not about whether or not we should have guns for recreation. The intent of the second amendment is to arm every single citizen in this great country with the most deadly small arm available at that time. Thus making America the most feared and powerful nation in the world. We defeated the most powerful military machine simply because the everyday citizen had a weapon. Our government was not capable of issuing nearly enough weapons to form an army. So I think the founders realized that we owe our freedom from a tyrannical Great Britain because of those muskets hanging on the wall and the bravery of the men who stood in the gap. It is the same today, freedom is still on the line as it was then.
"I think we need to remember what stopped the shooting in that elementary school. It was the sight of two men carrying weapons. The murderer saw two police officers and went and killed himself. We need more good men with weapons, not less.
"I would enjoy more discussion on this topic. As you can probably tell its something I care about.
God bless."
Thanks for sharing, Kevin!
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