Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Joining of Village Missions

It has been a little while since you have heard from me but I wanted to update our status with Village missions. We have been officially accepted by Village Missions and I will soon be placed in a church serving as a Village Missions pastor. It is hard to believe that soon I will be serving in such a capacity. I am overwhelmed at the awesome responsibility that such a position holds. It will be a blessing at times and there will of course be times that I feel like giving up. The important thing to remember is Christ is going to have to be my strength, no matter how qualified or unqualified I may feel. I will fail but Christ will not fail me. Tonight or maybe later this weekend we should be finding our where we are to be located which means that it will be rather soon that I am placed.

I am thinking over ideas for my first Sunday School class, sermon and prayer-meeting messages. Village Missions stresses the importance of being out in the community spending time with people in order to minister to them but it is just as important that we spend time digging into God's Word so we can present the Truth. Feel free in the comments section to put down some suggestions for passages or resources. I would love to hear from you on this.


D. Staddon said...

Happy Birthday Kevin!
And speaking of origins my recommendation would be to start in Genesis chapter one or John chapter one. A person's worldview comes from their belief or lack of belief in the specific things stated in these two chapters.
The Lord continue to lead and be your Shepherd.

D. Staddon said...

Happy Birthday Kevin!
And speaking of origins my recommendation would be to start in Genesis chapter one or John chapter one. A person's worldview comes from their belief or lack of belief in the specific things stated in these two chapters.
The Lord continue to lead and be your Shepherd.