On thing for sure is that you are not going to get a how to from me as I am doing this for the first time. I am always excited about my sermon for Sunday and the preparation for it but I have to admit that I am pretty green at this thing. While there are a lot of nice things to say about mothers both past and present one thing for sure is that God loves the heart of a mother. He created and instilled in a woman that deep desire and instinct to mother. In this instinct He has left images of his character. As a mother holds her baby for the first time there is absolute love in her eyes. She has spent the last nine month giving of her body to grow this little life. She has also, though the little bumps and taps in her womb, began to develop a relationship with this budding human being. As she loves the little child she loves him without any expectancy of return on investment. There is nothing that this little baby can do for her. He cannot give her money or things he can hardly express his feelings, but none the less she is eager and willing to pour our her life for the being she holds in her arms. Such it is with the heart of Christ. We are barely able to respond in our relationship with Him. Our love is purely a response to the love he pours out on us. We are only able to reciprocate His feelings toward us, and certainly He has no need for us. Yet he says things like this about us.
"The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."
Jer 31:3
The reality is that the love of a mother is truly overwhelming. Yet at the same time the love of our Lord is that much more overwhelming. This Sunday take some time to thank some mothers for their example and love. Especially yours because after all you would not be here if it was not for her. From me to all your mothers out there, God bless you. May you keep doing what you do best. Thank you so much for teaching us a little bit about what it means to lay down your life for another.
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