Saturday, May 18, 2019

Romans 1:1-7

I am making a second attempt on Romans. This book has literally changed my life and I am not the first. St Augustine said:

"Suddenly I heard a voice from nearby house chanting as if it might be a boy or a girl... saying and repeating over and over again 'pick it up and read, pick it up and read.' ...I interpreted it solely as a divine command to me to open the book and read the first chapter I might find... So I hurried back to the place where... I had put down the book of the apostle when I got up. I seized it, opened it and in silence read the first passage on which my eye lit: 'Not in riots and drunken parties, not in eroticism and indecencies, not in strife and rivalry, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh in its lusts' (Romans 13:13-14). I niether wished nor needed to read further. At once, with the last words of this sentence, it was as if a light of relief from all anxiety flooded into my heart. All shadows of doubt were dispelled." (Augustine, Book VIII, 19-29, pp. 146-153)

Romans 1:1-7
Jesus Then Paul

Rom 1:1  Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,
Rom 1:2  (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)
Rom 1:3  Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;
Rom 1:4  And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:
Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:
Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ:
Rom 1:7  To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Paul – vs. 1*
    1. A Slave of Jesus Christ
                                                               i.      Paul was willing, and did in fact, give all for Christ his master – Paul was so effective for Christ because he had already forfeited his life.
1.      2 Timothy 4:6-8 
    1. Called to Be an Apostle
                                                               i.      Paul was an apostle in both senses of the word (the word apostle means sent one or a modern term could be a missionary)
1.      Paul was certainly an apostle in the sense that he had a special calling to serve God in a specific way
a.       Galatians 2:8
2.      Paul was also an Apostle as in the title given to the disciples or the 12
a.       Paul was the true replacement for Judas
                                                                                                                                       i.      Acts 1:21-26 
b.      Paul says this clearly as well
                                                                                                                                       i.      1 Corinthians 9:1-2 
    1. Set Apart to Preach the Gospel
                                                               i.      Romans 15:16 
  1. Jesus – vs. 2-4*
    1. Was Promised by God of Old – vs. 2*
                                                               i.      By the Prophets who said:
1.      Born of a virgin
a.       Isaiah 7:14 
2.      Born in Bethlehem
a.       Micah 5:2 
3.      Would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey
a.       Zechariah 9:9 
4.      Would be crucified
a.       Psalms 22:14-18 
                                                             ii.      By the Holy Scriptures
1.      Genesis 3:14-15 
    1. Was God as Well as Man – vs. 3*
                                                               i.      Jesus was the Son of God and therefore fully divine Himself
1.      1 Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9 
                                                             ii.      Jesus was also fully a man of flesh as well, and a descendent of David
1.      John 1:14 
    1. Was Proven to be the Son of God by the Following Evidence – vs. 4*
                                                               i.      With Power – His Teaching
1.      Mathew 7:28-29 
                                                             ii.      With Perfection – His Life
1.      2 Corinthians 5:21 
                                                            iii.      With Presentation – His Resurrection
1.      Revelation 1:17-18 
  1. Some More About Paul – vs. 5*
    1. Three Reasons for Paul’s Apostleship
                                                               i.      To Encourage them to Obedience to the Faith
1.      2 Timothy 4:2-4 
                                                             ii.      So All People Could be Reached with the Gospel
1.      Matthew 28:19-20 
                                                            iii.      To Glorify the Name of Jesus
1.      Ephesians 1:12 
  1. Them and You – vs. 6-7*
    1. Jesus Calls You By Name
                                                               i.      Isaiah 43:1 
    1. You are in Rome (Or wherever God has placed you - Stonyford)
                                                               i.      Acts 8:3-4 
    1. You are Beloved of God
                                                               i.      Jeremiah 31:3 
    1. You Are Called to be Holy
                                                               i.      1Peter 2:9 
    1. You are Given Grace – By God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
                                                               i.      1 Thessalonians 3:11-13 
    1. You are Given Peace – By God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
                                                               i.      Philippians 4:7 

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