Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"The righteousness of God is neither an attribute of God, not the changed character of the believer, but Christ Himself,

I missed reading this quote on Sunday. This is from John Bunyan. 

"The righteousness of God is neither an attribute of God, not the changed character of the believer, but Christ Himself, who fully met in our stead and behalf every demand of the law, and who is, but the act of God called imputation (Lev_25:50); (Jam_2:23); "made unto us . . righteousness" (1Co_1:30).

"The believer in Christ is now, by grace, shrouded under so complete and blessed a righteousness that the law from Mt. Sinai can find neither fault nor diminution therein. This is that which is called the righteousness of God by faith." -- Bunyan.

(2Co_5:21); (Rom_4:6); (Rom_10:4); (Phi_3:9); (Rom_3:26).

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