Friday, April 23, 2021

Romans 13:6-7


Romans 13:6-7

Honor to whom Honor


Rom 13:6  For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 

Rom 13:7  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 

        1.      A Government’s Duty is Protect and Provide for Her Citizenry

a.       Government is a God ordained wall between the chaos of anarchy and civility of order. To find a guide on what government should look like we should turn to the only perfect government in existence.

                                                              i.      Isaiah 11:1-5 

         2.      If Government’s God Given Duty is to Protect and Provide for Me What is My Duty to Her as a              Christian?

a.       Pay your taxes

                                                              i.      Taxes may include:

1.      Tribute

a.       Is not something we have to pay here in America, but it is a tax levied on a conquered people.

2.      Customs

a.       These are taxes levied on travel and the exchange of international goods

3.      Tolls

a.       Taxes that are charged for the use of roads and services given by the government

4.      Property taxes

a.       This is the taxation of the property owned by an individual

5.      Income Taxes

a.       Taxation of an individual’s salary

6.      Sales Taxes

a.       The taxation of the exchange of goods and services

7.      Supporting local congregations

a.       For many countries in the world, you are required to pax a tax for the maintenance of a state religion. Here in America because of our beliefs regarding the separation of church and state you are not compelled to pay such a tax.

                                                                                                                                      i.      The Levites were to collect a temple tax to support the work of the temple

1.      Exodus 30:13-16 

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Jesus condemned the system when it became corrupt and filled with greed, implying the need for taxation systems to be keep accountable

1.      Matthew 21:12-13 

                                                            ii.      Can taxation ever be unjust?

1.       Yes, it can, but our response in such situations should not be simple disobedience but collective petition.

a.       Jesus told Peter pay a tax to a system he would later publicly condemn. Peter was to pay this overbearing tax by seeking provision from God.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Matthew 17:24-27 

2.      Taxes can be illegal?

a.       No taxation without representation

3.      Taxes can be immoral?

a.       There are many forms of taxes that are condemned by the Bible, one of which is death taxes

                                                                                                                                      i.      Proverbs 13:22 

b.      Fear Her

                                                              i.      Fear is a form of respect. Paul has already been very clear that the wicked need to fear the government because they will receive the punishment that they deserve from Her.

1.      Proverbs 14:35 

                                                            ii.      Fear is not blind obedience

1.      Ecclesiastes 10:4-6 

c.       Honor Her

                                                              i.      We can honor our government in the following ways

1.      By being patriotic

a.       Nationalism is not wrong it is part of the way God created us to be. We need to have a loyalty to our people and a love for those that God has called us to serve.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Proverbs 14:34 

                                                                                                                                     ii.      Romans 9:1-4

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