Friday, February 7, 2025

Ephesians 5:19


Ephesians 5:19

Make A Joyful Noise!


Eph 5:19  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 

         1.     The Church is to Make Music Corporately

a.     A faith in Jesus should give you a growing, hopeful joyfulness

                                               i.     Ephesians 1:18 

b.     A faith in Jesus should give you a desire to be a part of a loving community of believers

                                               i.     Ephesians 4:32 

c.     The Church is to sing Psalms (“A sacred poem, or a sacred song designed to be sung with a musical instrument” – Dr. MLJ)

                                               i.     Psalms are to be accompanied by musical instruments

1.     Psalms 150:2-5 

                                             ii.     Psalms are to be sung with joy

1.     Psalm 66:1-2 

                                           iii.     Psalms are to be sung in the opening of our corporate worship

1.     Psalm 95:2 

                                            iv.     Psalms can help alleviate depression

1.     James 5:13 

d.     The Church is to sing Hymns (“A song of praise to God, a sacred poetical composition” – Dr. MLJ)

                                               i.     “A hymn must be praise, it must be praise of God, and it must be sung” – St Augustine (354-430 AD)

                                             ii.     In a report to Emperor Trajan (who was Emperor between 98-117 AD) singing in the early church was described in the following manner: “Christians of Bithynia meet on a fixed day before dawn and recited an epiphinal hymn to Christ as God”

                                           iii.     There are examples of early Christian hymns quoted in the Bible

1.     Ephesians 5:14 

2.     1 Timothy 3:16 

                                            iv.     Singing hymns can help us during times of suffering

1.     Acts 16:25 

                                             v.     Singing hymns can help us teach others the word of God

1.     Colossians 3:16 

                                            vi.     Singing hymns is a part of our communion

1.     Matthew 26:28-30 

e.     The Church is to sing Spiritual Songs (“an ode or lyric that is spiritual in nature” – Dr. MLJ)

                                               i.     “Beside the Psalms other compositions were sung in the early churches” – Eusebius (died in 339 AD)

                                             ii.     Describing a love feast which was a common practice for the early church: “After water for the hands and lights have been brought in, each is invited to sing to God in the presence of the others from what he knows of the Holy Scriptures” – Tertulian (130-230 AD)

                                           iii.     Spiritual songs can be new

1.     Psalm 40:3 

2.     Psalm 149:1 

                                            iv.     Spiritual songs can be deeply personal

1.     1 Samuel 2:1-2 

                                             v.     Spiritual songs come from a deeper filling of the Holy Spirit

1.     1 Corinthians 14:15 

                                            vi.     Spiritual songs should be shared with others

1.     1 Corinthians 14:26 

                                          vii.     Spiritual songs can calm a troubled soul

1.     1 Samuel 16:23 

                                        viii.     Spiritual songs will be a part of our heavenly worship

1.     Revelation 5:8-9 

2.     Revelation 14:3 

                                            ix.     Spiritual songs are sung by God Himself

1.     Zephaniah 3:17 

         2.     The Believer is to Make Music Individually

a.     Spend time singing praise to God in your quite time

                                               i.     Psalm 92:1-2 

b.     Fill your day with joy by carrying a song in your heart

                                               i.     Psalm 92:3-4 

                                             ii.     “The aim of all music is the glory of God” - Johann Sebatian Bach

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