Thursday, February 27, 2020

Romans 8:17

Romans 8:17
Joint-Heirs with Christ

Rom 8:17  And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

  1. Those that are Indwelled by the Holy Spirit are Heirs of God. – vs. 17a*
    1. What are some things that God owns that we are co-inheritors of?
                                                              i.      God own all the wealth of the world. Men think they are in control of it but actually are only given stewardship of it for a short amount of time.
1.      Haggai 2:8 
                                                            ii.      God owns all the animals in the world
1.      Psalm 50:10 
    1. On what basis can I be confident to know I am an inheritor of the great wealth that belongs to God?
                                                              i.      Those that are redeemed from under the law of sin and death.
1.      Galatians 4:5-7 
                                                            ii.      Those that have been justified by the grace of Jesus
1.      Titus 3:7 
                                                          iii.      Those that have been grafted into the work of God with the Jews
1.      Galatians 3:29 
2.      Ephesians 2:11-12 
                                                          iv.      Those that are being built up in the Church of God
1.      Acts 20:32-35 
  1. Those that are Indwelled by the Holy Spirit are Joint Heirs with Christ. – vs. 17b*
    1. What is it that Christ possesses that I now can enjoy in Him?
                                                              i.      All power
1.      Matthew 28:18 
                                                            ii.      Head over all things
1.      Ephesians 1:22-23 
                                                          iii.      Glorious victory
1.      2 Corinthians 12:9-10 
  1. Those that are Indwelled by the Holy Spirit Will Suffer with Christ. – vs. 17b*
    1. What suffering must I endure now, to inherit with Christ in glory?
                                                              i.      Suffer for his sake
1.      Philippians 1:29 
                                                            ii.      Tribulation
1.      Romans 8:35-36 
                                                          iii.      Be made conformable to his death
1.      Philippians 3:10 
                                                          iv.      All kinds of temptations
1.      James 1:2-3 
                                                            v.      The testing of your faith
1.      1 Peter 1:6-7 
  1. Those that are Indwelled by the Holy Spirit Will be Glorified with Christ Someday. – vs. 17c*
    1. What is the glorification that Paul is referring to in this chapter? (The following points are borrowed from Steven Lawson’s message: “The Vast Inheritance of Believers”)
                                                              i.      A heavenly home
1.      John 14:2-3 
                                                            ii.      Glorified body
1.      Philippians 3:20-21 
                                                          iii.      Eternal reward
1.      2 Timothy 4:8 
                                                          iv.      Full access
1.      Revelation 3:12 
                                                            v.      White garments
1.      Revelation 3:5 
                                                          vi.      Hidden mana
1.      Revelation 2:17 
                                                        vii.      Beatific vision
1.       Revelation 22:4

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